

In late 2012 Air Charter Service was called upon to retrieve a Sea King helicopter that was left str和ed on top of a mountain in the Arctic Circle, after a heavy l和ing damaged the undercarriage, meaning that it was not safe for it to fly back to its base.

Justin Lancaster, 集团 货物 Director, explains: “We received a call saying that the helicopter was on a training exercise 和 had experienced a rough l和ing. The nearest road was more than 4 miles away 和 the only way to retrieve it was to airlift it out. 海王重约6磅.5 tonnes, so we quickly decided that the best solution was a larger helicopter. 我们找了最近的 Mil 26, which happened to be in Arkhangelsk in 俄罗斯, 和 positioned it into the nearby base. Mil 26s are the world’s largest 和 most powerful series-produced helicopter 和 are capable of lifting more than 20 tonnes.”

At the base meticulous planning went into the rescue operation. The Sea King was on a plateau at the top of a mountain 和 a small crew went up to the helicopter, 通过雪地摩托, to check whether it was safe for the Mil 26 to l和 next to it, or whether it would have to hover above it whilst the Sea King was strapped down.

从照片中可以看出, 这是一项棘手的任务, but the careful planning that we put in really paid off 和 resulted in a very smooth operation that only lasted one hour in total”, 兰开斯特评论说.

For more information, an interview or additional images please contact:
公关格伦•菲利普斯 & 广告经理
电话:+44(0)7799 692 629
电子邮件: 格伦.phillips@aircharterservice.com

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